Frequently Asked Questions

What is Altai Oncology?
Altai Oncology was established in 2013 in the USA and later moved its R&D processes to Turkiye. Our products are used worldwide, and we are an ISO 13485 certified medical software firm. We have one of the largest protocol libraries in the world and continue to expand it. Our goal is to become the #1 Oncology software provider globally in terms of user numbers.
How are protocols updated?
Our team conducts a biweekly search for notable new articles in major Hematology and Oncology journals. Our Medical Oncologists and Hematologists review and summarize these articles, and create new protocols in our central database. Each new protocol is reviewed by at least two specialists before it is published.
Is the patient data safe?
Yes, patient data is safe with us. We utilize industry-standard security features such as SSL connections and data encryption. Data is stored in our cloud servers in various internationally certified data centers located throughout the world in secure buildings. We do not sell patient data to third parties.
How can I get started with Altai Oncology products?
Altai Mobile App: You can download the Altai Mobile App from the App Store or Google Play. A subscription is required to access the protocols and staging features.
Altai Chemo Planner: To get started with Chemo Planner, email us your name and work address, and we will set up an account for you.
Altai Oncology Suite: For more information on Altai Oncology Suite, please email us. We will provide detailed information on modules, training, and how we can tailor the suite to meet your needs.
You have various products to choose from. Help please!
Altai Mobile App: If you need easy access to our protocol library, the Altai Mobile App is the way to go. It can also calculate doses based on a patient's metrics and stage cancers using the licensed AJCC staging system. More features are on the way.
Altai Chemo Planner: Ideal for solo oncologists looking to keep detailed records of their patients. With the Chemo Planner, you can save patient information, create chemotherapy orders using our protocol library, develop your own protocols, write progress notes, stage cancers, and more. You can print chemotherapy orders for nurses or pharmacists.
Altai Oncology Suite: Perfect for cancer centers. This fully computerized system allows you to tailor modules, workflows, protocols, privileges, and almost anything else to your needs. You can also start with the Chemo Planner as a hybrid solution and transition to the Oncology Suite over time.
Can we customize Altai?
Yes, Altai Oncology Suite can be customized in countless ways to fit your specific needs. You can tailor the cancer center workflow, drugs, infusion rates, protocols, scheduling areas, tests, notes, templates, and more to match your unique requirements.
Do you offer training?
Yes, we offer training to ensure you can effectively use our products:
Altai Chemo Planner: A one-hour online training session is required.
Altai Oncology Suite: Training can be conducted online or on-site at your premises, depending on your needs.
What about support?
Support is what we are most proud of at Altai Oncology. Depending on the product you use, you will have access to specialists who understand your needs. We are here to make things easy for you and ensure you have the help you need every step of the way.
What about pricing?
Altai Mobile App: Subscription details can be found within the app itself.
Altai Chemo Planner: Priced at a monthly subscription rate of $29.99 USD per provider.
Altai Oncology Suite: Pricing varies based on factors such as modules, training, and server requirements. Please contact us via email for more information.
Is there a trial version available?
We do not offer a trial version. However, you can subscribe to the Chemo Planner, and if you find it's not suitable for your needs, you can cancel your subscription at any time.